Our goal is always to help our patients maintain their oral health and to care for and protect their natural teeth.
Preventive Dentistry
Maintaining oral health includes good home care and regular visits to our office for preventive care, which includes oral examinations and cleanings. Comprehensive examinations of the mouth, teeth, surrounding gum tissues, and supporting bone structures help with early detection and treatment of problematic conditions.
Preventive Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Even with excellent care, however, teeth and gums can be susceptible to disease, infection, cavities, cracks, or other forms of damage. Restorative dentistry restores the function and integrity of the tooth structure, function, and health, while maintaining a natural appearance.
Restorative Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Our office also specializes in cosmetic dentistry. This means that we not only pay attention to the health and function of your teeth, but we also pay close attention to aesthetics. We want you to maintain great oral health but we also want you to have a beautiful smile and the confidence to smile often!
Cosmetic Dentistry
Other Services We Offer
Dental Implants
Bruxism & Facial Pain
Sedation Dentistry
Same Day Restorations
Dental Emergencies
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Gardner, KS